Monday, January 5, 2015

Stone Fox

long day, this happens all too often...

Stone Fox

Diamond eyes liquid black against her fur
I know that from which she is cut:
Eternal, cold, unyielding

I've seen her stalking night and day
Day and night and through the wood and
past my house and to the stream

Where you all drink, she watches closely
Gold feathers in her mouth
Drawing you into fateful pits and deep water

You're blinded -- you aren't alone, I think not.
She's coming for you as we speak

And she does not fail
Toppling cities, crashing empires
Burning kingdoms, devouring souls

All in a day
It's nothing to her, and yet you hang on her every
word, as if you'll lay a finger as well

Good luck. Slinking between the trees
She sniffs with desire for your hot blood
You don't realise how willing you are

To be next,
Thinking you'll have it all; that you're special
and she won't leave you broken with the rest

There are fields of her conquests
Buried beneath the soil
Torn into all the pieces that she declared necessary

The rain started long ago
And she could smell you on the air
I watched her dart through the downpour, graceful; terrifying

She'll take you with the swell
Sink her teeth beneath your blushed skin
and push you off the edge.

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