Monday, December 5, 2022

Stay With Me -- Part II

Stay With Me -- Part II


“This is never-ending.”

Emily was unbuttoning her shirt. “What is?”

His hair grew, slowly, in the precious silence. “You and Him.”

“He and I,” she corrected with tired eyes.

Seth coughed quietly. “You know he called me the other day.”

That caught her attention. Emily turned her head and pulled her shirt closed. “He called you?”

“Oh, now you give a fuck?”

“Jesus Seth, you don’t have to be an asshole.”

The pause between them was far too long. “Don’t you want to know what he said?”

She swallowed and he noticed. “Not really.”


“Oh, now you know me?” She was mimicking him, half a smile on her face.

Seth felt bile in the back of his throat. “I never knew you, Emily.”

“Don’t say my name.”

“You can be assured that I won’t. Not anymore.”



Seth didn’t recognise the number. “Hello?”


Fuck. It was Him. “She’s not here.”

“I didn’t ask if she was.”

“Fair enough.” The air felt thick. Seth tried to keep his breath measured; calm.

“Did she tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

A pause…

Seth couldn’t help himself. “Tell me what?”


A baby.

“You’re lying.”

“Am I?”

Seth felt sick. “But I, can’t…”

“I know.”

The call disconnected.


Lee Nai

The voice was in the back of his mind but it was easily ignored. And yet, the hedgers were right there…

What will it be?

His fingers twitched. It was only a few weeks ago. Not his fault, right?

The car was warm, with the heat on, and she just climbed in saying how sorry she was, how much she missed him…


You’re saying no to me?

His breathe caught. “This isn’t right?”

She kissed his neck. “It’s not?”


But it was too late, she was naked underneath her dress. Lee Nai couldn’t take it. The little death was inevitable. Wasn’t it always?


Lee Nai

It was dark but the hedgers were right there. Lee Nai picked them up and tried the door. Unlocked. Of course it was — fucking amateurs. He had half a mind to…

No need for that now. Damage would be done either way.

A safety light flicked on and he held his breath. Nothing. Jesus. Lee Nai took a moment to gather himself.

The cord was tight around his neck before he could even think. In the darkness, Lee Nai couldn’t think. He grabbed at the hands around his neck.

The voice above him was angry and close. “You think I’d let you ruin everything?” Seth tightened the cord.

Lee Nai coughed up some spit and blood onto his shirt. “It was all ruined to start with.” He tried to reach for the hedgers but came up short.

Parting words were never heard.

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