Thursday, December 8, 2022



“What’s wrong with your skin?”

Jack closed his eyes. This wasn’t his first rodeo. “Don’t worry, it’s not contagious.”

This kid probably had more than a buck on him. “Well…it looks disgusting. You should cover it up.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” It was only Jack’s fifth day at this new school. The baptism had come early.

End of last period had everyone standing around at their lockers. Excellent, a full audience. 

“Jack, right?” the kid asked. “I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced.”

Jack swallowed. “I tend not to offer myself up to potential bullies.”

“Monty.” Two bucks held out his hand with a smile that knew everyone in the hall was watching them.

Three more Monty characters moved in from behind Jack. He could smell their football sweat. The bell rang — perhaps he was saved.

“We’ll see you later.” Monty winked as the hall started to empty of students.


Jack waited until there was nobody left before he slammed his fist into the already dented locker.

“Well that’s not going to achieve anything.” She was standing only a few feet away, fingers laced through her backpack.

Jack was embarrassed to find himself startled. “What?”

“Rude.” She was expressionless with long dark hair.

He might have blushed. “Sorry.”


A moment of silence. Jack brushed away a fly that didn’t exist. “I thought everyone had gone. I didn’t hear you.”

“Most people don’t. Not that I care.”


“You’re one to talk.”

Was that a slight grin? “Touche.”

She cocked her head. “You should go out the side door, Monty and his pigs will be waiting for you at the front gate.”

Jack felt his ears twitch. “Thanks.”


He followed her to the side emergency door and they slipped out into a courtyard he hadn’t seen before. “I’m Jack.”

“I know.” She didn’t stop walking.

They walked from the courtyard to a path that led away from the school and down towards a shallow creek. “Are you going home?” he asked.

“Are you?”

Jack watched her hair in the wind; her blue backpack; her long patchwork skirt. He wondered why she hadn’t asked about his skin.

“So…” he started.


They splashed through the murky water. “Are you a previous client?”

She didn’t turn around. “Err?”

“Of Monty and his, pigs, as it were?”

The silence said it all.

He followed her up a steep incline that led away from the creek. “Sorry.”

She huffed. “Listen, you can come this way to avoid them, but be discreet.”


She was already walking away through the grass towards a narrow street lined with hedges.


The cafeteria was a goddamn zoo. Jack picked up his gen-pop slop and found a seat in the furthest corner possible. He hadn’t lifted his spoon before the hustle and bustle failed to drown out Two Bucks.

“Mickey Madson, long time no see.” Monty was holding a metal lunch tray and standing over the girl with the patchwork skirt.

She didn’t look up at him.

People were watching but nobody did anything.

“It’s rude not to say Hi,” Monty continued.

She still didn’t look up. “I’m eating.”

“I heard you’ve been eating many things lately.” Monty smiled and looked over to his buddies who were sitting at a nearby table. They all burst into laughter.

Jack watched as she — Mickey — stood up and moved close to Monty. “You’ll wish…”

“What did you say to me?”

Jack watched as she picked up the orange juice from her tray and poured it on Monty’s shirt.


The seconds passed slowly. Monty was bulky but he was fast. The metal tray came down on her face before anyone could step in. She didn’t make a sound but her eyes scrunched and there were gasps from surrounding tables. Jack was half out of his seat when he realised he was the only one.

Monty showed no shame. “I asked — what you said to me?” This time it felt like a statement.

Jack picked up his backpack and made a beeline for Mickey, grabbing her hand without a word. She didn’t resist. They made it to the bathroom.

He was already pressing a wet paper to her face when she met his eyes. “We’re not friends.”

“I never said we were.”

She didn’t pull away from him. “We should probably leave.”

“It’s only lunchtime.”

She almost smiled. “No, I mean…we’re in the female bathroom.”

“Oh. Right.”


Students were already filling the hall so they couldn’t use the emergency side door. Jack didn’t know the school well just yet. “Where can we go?” he asked.

Mickey was holding her face now. “Just buy the first ticket out of here.”

He took her hand again and they walked quickly to the rooftop stairway. It was overcast; threatening to rain. She sat on the far ledge and looked out over the football field. 

Jack stood a few feet away. The moment felt tense, considering. “You’ll wish?”

She scooped her dark hair up into a bun with an elastic from her wrist. “Err?”

“Fuck boy back there.”

“Incorrect use of that term.”

“Didn’t really want to call him by his name.”

She didn’t turn to look at him. “He’ll wish.”

Jack tossed his backpack on the rooftop cement and sat down. “Enlighten me?”

“That he never met me.”

“Mmm. I think I have an idea.”

Mickey turned to him, gingerly touching the red welt on her face. “You think or you have?”

He tongued his cheek. “You’re kind of a dickhead.”

At that, she laughed. “Well fuck, I guess we are friends now.”


The days passed and Jack only walked past Mickey — no words exchanged — in the hall. Monty was ever-present. Along with his goons, of course. The cafeteria was a no-fly zone and the talk, as far as Jack heard it, was that all of the pigs had taken their way with Mickey.


It was Tuesday morning when she texted him. So, this idea. Care to share?

Jack was in math, nose-deep in some shit he didn’t give a fuck about. Long time.

Time doesn’t pass slowly here. 

Fair enough.

You’re avoiding the question.

You’ve been avoiding me.

You’ve been abusing my side door. 


Hardly. Come to the creek after school. Make sure they don’t see you.


“This is your plan?” Mickey was stood in the female bathroom staring him down.

“Things could be worse. I’m not a mastermind.”

She scrubbed her eyes. “Clearly.” Her hair was in a braid behind her dress. “So we hang him by the S hook to a bleacher on the field?”

Jack cleared his throat. “We hang his shirt while he’s still in it. Probably best not to be murderers.”

“Is it though?”

“There’s something wrong with you.”



The two of them sat low, crouching behind the far side of the bleachers. 

Jack could feel Mickey, tense beside him. “You okay?”

“Fuck no. Are we really going to do this?”

“Don’t you remember that bruise he left on your cheek?”

She was silent. 

Jack held the S hook, hot in his hand, as he watched Monty jog out onto the field and come to rest on one of the lower bleachers.

It was a whisper. “Okay, let’s go.” Jack felt her grip his other hand. It was cold and almost shaking.

The hook was easy to get through his shirt but the problem was his size. Even with them on either side the cunt was dead weight. 

Jack started to panic. “Lift!”

“I’m lifting!” she grunted.

Monty was slow on the uptake. “What the…”

They got him up three seats until they could get the S hook to grip. Jack watched as Mickey actually grinned. “And now?” he asked.

“Now we run.”

Monday, December 5, 2022

Stay With Me -- Part II

Stay With Me -- Part II


“This is never-ending.”

Emily was unbuttoning her shirt. “What is?”

His hair grew, slowly, in the precious silence. “You and Him.”

“He and I,” she corrected with tired eyes.

Seth coughed quietly. “You know he called me the other day.”

That caught her attention. Emily turned her head and pulled her shirt closed. “He called you?”

“Oh, now you give a fuck?”

“Jesus Seth, you don’t have to be an asshole.”

The pause between them was far too long. “Don’t you want to know what he said?”

She swallowed and he noticed. “Not really.”


“Oh, now you know me?” She was mimicking him, half a smile on her face.

Seth felt bile in the back of his throat. “I never knew you, Emily.”

“Don’t say my name.”

“You can be assured that I won’t. Not anymore.”



Seth didn’t recognise the number. “Hello?”


Fuck. It was Him. “She’s not here.”

“I didn’t ask if she was.”

“Fair enough.” The air felt thick. Seth tried to keep his breath measured; calm.

“Did she tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

A pause…

Seth couldn’t help himself. “Tell me what?”


A baby.

“You’re lying.”

“Am I?”

Seth felt sick. “But I, can’t…”

“I know.”

The call disconnected.


Lee Nai

The voice was in the back of his mind but it was easily ignored. And yet, the hedgers were right there…

What will it be?

His fingers twitched. It was only a few weeks ago. Not his fault, right?

The car was warm, with the heat on, and she just climbed in saying how sorry she was, how much she missed him…


You’re saying no to me?

His breathe caught. “This isn’t right?”

She kissed his neck. “It’s not?”


But it was too late, she was naked underneath her dress. Lee Nai couldn’t take it. The little death was inevitable. Wasn’t it always?


Lee Nai

It was dark but the hedgers were right there. Lee Nai picked them up and tried the door. Unlocked. Of course it was — fucking amateurs. He had half a mind to…

No need for that now. Damage would be done either way.

A safety light flicked on and he held his breath. Nothing. Jesus. Lee Nai took a moment to gather himself.

The cord was tight around his neck before he could even think. In the darkness, Lee Nai couldn’t think. He grabbed at the hands around his neck.

The voice above him was angry and close. “You think I’d let you ruin everything?” Seth tightened the cord.

Lee Nai coughed up some spit and blood onto his shirt. “It was all ruined to start with.” He tried to reach for the hedgers but came up short.

Parting words were never heard.

Stay With Me



~~ I can dish it out, but I can’t take it
    Limousine, Brand New

Lee Nai

    The smell of her perfume was fuel. Lee Nai did his best to ignore it, but you know how things like this go. Don’t you?

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

She held up the bag. “I brought you soup.”

Lee Nai felt his fist clench underneath the desk. “I see you still have a key, then.”

Emily looked hurt. “For emergencies.”

What fucking emergencies? “You can leave that here from now on. And you can take the soup with you.”

She put the bag on the bench next to the stovetop and Lee Nai noticed her ears twitch back in annoyance. “Are you even going to get up?” she asked.

He kept himself still and quiet, despite the blood dripping down his arm.

Emily looked around the apartment as if she had never lived there. “I like the painting,” she said, nodding to a small piece Lee Nai had picked out at the weekend markets.

He bristled. “I said you can leave.”

The painting was oil — white, black, grey. A man’s face. Sometimes Lee Nai saw that face in his dreams. It matched the quiet of the house, now that Emily was gone.

But there she stood; unmoved. “You’re going to play it like this?” She wasn’t gone at all.  

“I don’t play anything.”


The blood had cooled and was sticking his arm to his pants under the desk. Lee Nai didn’t dare let her see. “If you’re trying to piss me off you’re going the right direction.”

“I’m not trying to do anything.”


Lee Nai’s cellphone vibrated on the desk. Saved by the bell. “I have to take this.”

Emily clicked her tongue. “I’m sure you do.”


The cuts weren’t deep but they refused to stop oozing blood. Lee Nai took a shower and patched them up as best he could. The towel was ruined, but wasn’t everything ruined?

He would have laughed at that thought had he been that type of person.

Lee Nai buttoned his pyjamas despite the fact that they would be blood-soaked by morning. The bed was cold but comfortable. He wished Emily out of his mind. All he wanted was to be left alone.


“Why are you here?”

“I’m not here.”

Lee Nai shut his eyes as tight as he could. “Then why do I see you?”

She laughed, just once. “You see what you want to see.”

“Why the fuck would I want to see you?”

Her indignation was almost tangible. “Are you asking the question of yourself?”

This time Lee Nai opened his eyes. “You’re not here.”

“I’m not here.”


“Are you sure of that?”



The morning came as soon as the night left. Lee Nai woke to blood soaking his bed sheet and a persistent buzzing on his phone.


“Why did you call me last night?” she asked.


Emily sounded tense. “There were like, ten missed calls from you. You couldn’t even look at me the other day.”

Lee Nai was reeling, trying to remember. “I didn’t call you.”

“My phone offers a different story.”

Fuck. “I don’t know. I don’t remember calling you. Sorry.”

“Did you need something?” She was being condescending now.

Lee Nai closed his eyes. “I apologise. It must have been a mistake.”

He could hear her angry smile. “And now?”

“Now what?”





The night was young but the air held heavy and warm above her. Emily cleared her throat.

Seth flinched at the sound. “You’re home.”

“I certainly am.”

“You went to see him?”

Emily scrubbed a hand through her dark hair. “What does it matter?”

She watched his lack of reply. Seth was dirty. This motherfucker was ready to chew on her scraps of pain, even with the smell of blood still fresh on her fingers.

“Well, did you?”

“I did what I had to do.”

The look on Seth’s face said more than it had to. He closed his eyes. “Did you bring dinner?”

Emily blinked, thinking of the soup. “No. Did you?”



A car pulled into the driveway next to the house. Seth rolled in his sleep and pulled the blankets off. Who the fuck?…

Emily must have left for work because her side of the bed was cold.

He could hear the car still running.

Seth opened the side door and…


It hit him right in the cheek. The pain was exquisite and didn’t last a second before the next. Must have been a punch to the mouth but he couldn’t be sure. Perhaps a slap. That metallic pain.

There were fingers in his mouth, and then a voice — your blood tastes so sweet.

Seth coughed. “You’re testing me?”

“I don’t test anyone.”

A hand around his throat and Seth had lost most of his words. “Just take what you want.”

The silence was awful. It lasted an eternity.

“I don’t want anything that belongs to you.”

Seth coughed again. “I don’t want to play games.”

“There aren’t anymore games to play.”


Lee Nai

Lee Nai was small — a buck fifty, if that. He kept to himself. There was no point in dicking about.

But tonight…

Tonight was the night to dick about.

The house was dark and there was only one car in the drive. It wasn’t hers. Lee Nai took a breath and parked on the street. It was an easy thirty steps to the door. The hedgers were lying right there. 
