Friday, November 18, 2022



Best not play with fire…

The classroom was empty but for Mr H.

Dylan didn’t want it to be so easy. “Hiya.”

Mr H looked up and almost jumped. “Dylan. I didn’t expect to see you.”

You know the way that I hide. “I just finished last period. Bus is gone already.” Dylan tilted his head.

Mr H cleared his throat. “Right.”

The silence between them was hot as a flame.

“Your parents can’t pick you up?”

“They’re out of town.”

“Both of them?”



Dylan stepped to the desk and suddenly that was all there was between them. He watched Mr H touch a finger to his lips and mess with the papers in front of him.

“Something wrong?”

Mr H coughed. “You know this is inappropriate Dylan.”

“Was it inappropriate last time?”


The rain started before they did. Pelting down on the roof as Mr H kissed his neck and pushed him onto the desk. Dylan got high off the danger. Pants down to his knees, Mr H’s hand around his face, holding him still.

And then, the whisper in his ear. Why do you let me play?


It was dark when Dylan got there but there were lights on in the house. A white picket fence and perfectly maintained gardens.

That would do well.

The gasoline was less slick than he had imagined. More like water. The match didn’t even make a sound.

 Don’t light the match unless you want to watch me burn…

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