Tuesday, October 25, 2016

What's Wrong Nothing

What’s Wrong Nothing

I think the darkness is following me
Last week I woke in the night
This week I come home in the night
The darkness
It is outside the window
And in the rooms where my bulbs have blown
And in the deepening bruise on my thumb
And in the helpless thoughts I have
When I can’t remember not feeling tired
The darkness
It is everywhere

I don’t know if the darkness scares me
But I still look away from it
And keep working
Because I have come to learn that there is no relief
For some of us

For some of us
There is only the unending path of persistence
And that path is paved with the darkness

The darkness that follows

Would you ask me questions through the darkness?
Are you okay?
I wake in the night — I’m fine.
Would you worry at all?
Is everything alright?
I come home in the night — Yes, of course.
Would you see right through my lies?
What’s wrong?
I think the darkness is following me — Nothing.

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