Monday, November 16, 2015

Self Preservation: Volume III -- Shrift

Self Preservation: Volume III — Shrift 

Exodus 22:23-25
And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, 
Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 
Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe... 

She’d heard about Emerald Valley a few months ago. Only rumours really — of some isolated place out beyond the range of mountains that lay in a crescent around their little cluster of small towns. Max hadn’t given half a thought at the time, she’d laughed off the stories as if they were simply urban legends (which they kind of had been, back then). But now, after the night she’d had, Emerald Valley appeared like a glittering answer upon the horizon. 

The early morning sun dazzled her eyes as she took in the formidable landscape; a dense sea of dark, green-gold pine trees that eased down into the valley, but also prevented one from seeing what, exactly, lay at the bottom. 

As the cab dropped her off at the edge of a narrow road overgrown with trees and vines, Max was still having second thoughts. She hadn’t gone home in the end; hadn’t packed anything or prepared for what she might find. All she had was the dress that Charlotte had given her, which she still wore, and her bag of (mostly necessary) items — phone, tampons, etc. And the cash. 

All five-thousand of it. 

Max stared down the road and then turned to watch the cab pulling away from the tree-line. The sun was just starting to rise and she wished she had a sweater, but it was too late now — she was on the cusp of Emerald Valley. She knelt down and folded the money into a tight wad. Between her bra and the skin of her breast, Max felt confident that it wouldn’t be found unless things got really crazy.
She didn’t know what to expect — but ‘really crazy’ was definitely on the list, considering the last twelve hours of her life. 

In the cab she had been checking her arm constantly, where it had touched the electrified fence, but no mark had appeared, and if it wasn’t for the fact that she was sober, perhaps she would have assumed that the whole thing was a dream. But the cash was real, and the echo of fear in her stomach was pretty fucking hard to ignore.
It wasn’t clear what was down in Emerald Valley, but the rumours made it out to be some kind of farm. No electricity, no phones, no slimy capitalism fingers on the tablecloth. Max couldn’t help but think it was perhaps where she was supposed to go, where she was supposed to be — at least for the ‘right-now’. 

The truth was, she felt hopeful. Perhaps ‘saved’ was something she might soon well be. 

The pines were thick on either side of her and the path was crumbling and overgrown to a level of inconvenience. Max figured this was from disuse, but it also seemed to be a good ‘fence’ for Emerald Valley — something to keep people out; to keep the secret. 

After half an hour of stumbling along the uneven path Max was ready to give up, but just as she felt the urge to turn back, a clearing appeared beyond the trees just in front of her. The sun was still rising, but the group of tables and people on the other side of the clearing was unmistakable. 

Her nerves were as tight as a stretched rubber band as Max started across the field. It was out of place and neatly mowed so she guessed it must have belonged to the people who owned Emerald Valley. She was half way across, maybe 100 feet, when they started to notice her. 

She felt a sudden urge to turn and run back the way she had come, but then she thought of being tied to that tree, running through the dark, being absolutely sure she was going to die. All of those things were her own fault — they’d come about due to her decisions. She was ready to change. She wanted to change. She needed to change. It was no longer an option to remain who she was. 
As she got closer to the tables she could see clusters of people sitting and staring at her. Some of them whispered, some pointed. She saw women pull small children close to them, and men standing up from the tables, straight and tall. Max was beyond nervous, but she knew she was here for a reason and there was no turning back with all of their eyes on her. 

As she made it to the tables, which sat just in front of another line of trees, one of the men who was standing started moving towards her. Max probably wouldn’t have noticed him, except that he was wearing a button-through shirt. It was blood-red. As he got closer she could see it was embroidered in thread with an array of black flowers down each arm from the shoulders and also onto his chest. 

He didn’t get too close and his hands were in the pockets of his jeans, but his smile was pleasant and his voice was welcoming. “Well hello there, sweet girl.” 

“Hi,” Max managed, despite her pumping heart. 

“Not often we see a new face out here. Might I ask where you came from.” 

Holding her bag tight against her thigh, Max bit her lip. “One of the towns on the other side of the mountains. I...I heard about this place — your place. I just...” 

His smile didn’t falter. “You’re looking for something, yes?” Max nodded.

“Hmmm.” His voice was soft. “There’s plenty to find out here.” 

He was only a half a foot taller than her and thin; sinewy. His hair was combed back and his beard and mustache were neat and well-maintained. He was handsome; he was confident. 

He beckoned her over and Max couldn’t help herself. 

“I’m Michael,” he said, holding out his hand. 

She took it. “Max. I’m sorry to just show up like this.” 

“Nothing to be sorry for. You came this far — you deserve a chance. Not to mention we have far too much potato salad as it is,” he winked. 

His hand was warm and strong. He was taller than he had first appeared, and his dark eyes sparkled, and despite the morning sun, Max felt like she was on the edge of dusk. She wanted for her hand to be in his forever. 

The people of Emerald Valley were smiling at her now. They seemed to have relaxed when ‘Michael’ approved of her presence, and the closest table shuffled to make space for her. A bowl full of potato salad and a ham sandwich later, Max was listening to Michael tell stories of redemption and new life and the Lord’s inevitable vindication against the Devil. More people had gathered around their table and all of them were hanging on his every word. 

“Not everyone wants to be like us — pure and God-fearing and true to The Word. That’s why we stay hidden down here.” 

“True to The Word!” a woman at their table cried out. 

“True to The Word,” Michael repeated with a nod. “They force us to hide from their lies and it makes me so sad.” 
“Don’t be sad, Mr Michael,” called a young man from the crowd. 

“Oh, but Christopher, I can’t help my sadness when I think about how many people we can’t reach, due to our isolation.” 

The crowd agreed — in shouts and tears. 

Michael held up his hands to silence them. “Today though, Max has arrived — and for that we should be so very thankful. Let us give thanks for Max!

The crowd raised their hands to the sky and cried out. Some of the women clutched at their hearts and a few of the men fell to their knees. 

Michael, who was sitting right next to Max, took her hand again in his own and it was warm and sturdy, and with her belly full of potato salad and bread and ham, she felt the urge to curl into him and stay there forever. 

“We will show Max the way,” he said. “We will guide her towards the light and free her from the demons that bind her to this sinful earth. In turn, we will all learn from Max. Let us give thanks for Max!” he said again, and the crowd erupted into hoots and clapping and a flurry of hurried prayer. 


When Max woke, it was to the sound of a rooster, but far off. Her face was against the cool ground. It was uncomfortable and she felt rocks against her cheek, her arm, and her hip. She made to sit up but immediately something felt wrong. 

Her hands were tethered — no, chained — and her shoes had been removed. She felt wet grass against her legs and the tips of her toes. She could just see the first light of the sun; it was barely even broaching the dawn. 

Max pulled herself closer to the loop of metal that was cemented into the ground next to her — the loop through which her chain was threaded. She pulled on it. It didn’t give. She hadn’t expected anything else. 

A voice from behind her broke the silence. “You need to learn, Max.” 

She turned around to see Michael in a dark green button-through. “Why am I chained up? And learn what, exactly?” she asked.

He didn’t answer her first question. “What you came here to learn.” “Enlighten me then,

“You’re being rude, and there’s no need for that.” 

Max couldn’t tell if she was dreaming or having an epiphany — both seemed equally unlikely. 

Michael came towards her and knelt down close. “Whoso diggith a pit shall fall therin: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.” 

Max tried to shrink away from him but the chains only gave her a little range. “I think I change my mind,” she said. “I think I want to go home now.” 

He laughed quietly. “But then, sweet girl, how will you learn?” 

Sweet girl. Max couldn’t but think that people were getting her all wrong of late. 
She looked around — they were in the middle of the field — even if she could get free it was a long way to run to even get to the edge of the trees she’d come out of yesterday. 

He stood again and circled her, watching, as if she were prey (which at that point she pretty much was), and Max saw the large cross that was embroidered onto his shirt. 

“You came here to confess to me, Max,” he said, watching her from the corner of his eye. 

She heard him, but ignored the question, choosing instead to wonder if he’d disposed of her bag, and most importantly, her phone. She was guessing the cops probably had eyes on this place at least some of the time. 

“Please pay attention Max. This is important. I’ll ask again — what is it that you came here to confess?” 

The field lightened with the sun and Max could now see the tables where they’d sat yesterday and had potato salad. Those fuckers must have put something in her serve — the plan all along to bring her out here and chain her to the ground like an animal. Make her confess

The crack and the sting as the switch made contact with her back was like fire on her skin. 

Max pitched forward into the ground and it was too late — warm piss was on her thighs and soaking into the now dirty dress. The switch felt just like the electrified fence. The switch was the fence. 

She looked up through the beginnings of tears and saw him holding it in front of him now. Proud. The motherfucker was proud of hitting. And from afar — the coward. 
Cunt, she thought in her mind, hoping God couldn’t hear her. 

He ran the thin piece of tree wood through his fingers and he was absolutely calm. Nothing about this situation was new to him. “That was just one to get you started,” he smiled. 

A few times in the past Max had wondered if her life was too slow, too boring, too much of a non-event. She had found excitement in casual sex and saying yes to things she shouldn’t have said yes to. This time — she’d really fucked up. This time was the second in as many days she had ended up tethered to something. 

Her life was not boring enough. 

Michael smoothed his hair back and continued walking around her in a circle, fingering the switch. “Now, are you ready to tell me what you came here to tell me?”
Max was torn — she had to say something, but the truth, or a lie? She watched him like a hawk and kept herself braced for the next swat which she figured would be inevitable. “I’m a whore. It got me into trouble last night. Actual, legitimate trouble.” She had surprised herself. Apparently it was going to be the truth. 

Michael stopped still, pondered a moment, nodded his head, and continued on his circle around her again. “ are a filthy, sinful girl, without self control?”
She nodded, “I guess so.” 

“The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.” 
Max didn’t want another, but she could feel it building and assumed that was his intention. She tried her best to thwart it. “I understand though. Now I understand. I was doing the wrong thing.” 

He cocked his head and smiled down at her as the sun started to rise behind him. “You have begun to understand, sweet girl.” 

Don’t call me that!” she spat, before she could stop herself. 

The second swat was harder, lower on her back and this time Max cried out. She crawled in the dirt, trying to get away from him but it was no use with the chains — he continued to circle her, slowly. 

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he said, maintaining his calm. “I just want to help you learn, and it’s stripe for stripe.” 

Max couldn’t summon words — she was thinking about the third — she knew it was going to be worse. 

Michael tutted as he circled her. The crickets chirped around them and she wiped her eyes with the back of one of her chained hands. She thought of Charlotte and Charlotte’s husband, and it seemed like a dream. They had been doing evil things, at least at the start, and here was Max, at the hands of a ‘Man of God’, and it was as if it was just the same thing. 

She felt like her grip was slipping. 

Michael circled her slowly, relentlessly. “He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.” 

Max started crying. She was sorry for how she was, but coming to Emerald Valley was a mistake a hundred times worse than anything she’d done in the past.

And as if he read her mind, Michael said, “There’s something bad inside of you Max, and we’re going to get it out, even if it takes a hundred with the switch.” 

She trembled and looked up at him, but he never got to the third.

The shot echoed across the field and Michael hit the ground before Max

even saw the blood that had sprayed out onto her dress. Charlotte’s dress. 

Birds in the trees squawked and flew up into the air following the piercing noise, and Max looked around, but she couldn’t tell where the shot had come from. She scrambled towards Michael who was face down in the grass and bleeding out next to his hateful switch. Her chain wasn’t long enough to reach him and she started to panic. 

She pulled on the chain. She kicked the cemented metal loop in the ground. She started to cry. She stunk of piss and sweat and dirt. 

Then she noticed a figure coming across the field — straight for her. 

Fuck,” she said, to herself. She pulled harder on the chain and the figure got closer and closer. Her wrists had started to bleed but her adrenaline was keeping the pain at bay (not that she knew that). Eventually she gave up and curled into a ball, hiding her face and holding onto the metal loop in the ground. 

“Hey.” It was a male voice — soft and not too close. Max didn’t look up.

“Hey, little lady? You okay?” 

Max still couldn’t bring herself to look up, she only curled tighter in on herself, blocking out everything she possibly could. 
“I’m sorry if I scared you just now,” the soft voice said. “Just...that guy...Michael...he’s done some pretty bad things to my wife. I just figured it was time someone put him in his place.” 

Max uncurled herself a little and looked up. 

She saw that the voice belonged to an older guy, maybe sixty, sixty-five, and there were tears running down his cheeks. 

“Okay if I come closer, little lady?” he asked, putting his rifle down onto the grass and eyeing the face-down Michael.

Max nodded. 

The old guy tentatively approached the body, and after deciding that his shot had done the job, he turned back to Max. “This piece of trash got the key for your there chains?” 

Max shrugged and wished there wasn’t a huge piss-stain on her pale blue dress.
The old guy rolled Michael over and started searching his pockets, quickly finding a large loop of keys and then carefully approaching Max. 

She couldn’t help but pull back a little — the last few days had sucked her dry of faith in other people. 

“I know you’re scared little lady, but I ain’t got nothin’ to do with this God-awful place. No pun intended, o’course,” he smiled.

Max noticed he hadn’t once looked at the stain on her dress, but he had glanced down at her bloody wrists...
Everything she had left drained from her head and without meaning to, Max felt herself falling backwards, as if there was nothing behind her. 

When she woke again, she was in the arms of the old guy and he was carrying her across the field. The sun was bright and high above them and his arms were strong and tight around her. He smelled of soil and potatoes and aftershave. 

Each step bumped her up against his chest and Max cried, her wet tears leaving dark marks on his clean white shirt. 


Romans 5:8
But God commendeth his love towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

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