Monday, March 30, 2015

Cornered And Devoured

I am flushed and warm.
I think I may be enormous,

--   from 'Letter in November' by Sylvia Plath

I bloom. No!
I ripen and become a deep golden red;
Heavy and sweet.
Testing the branches that have held me for so long.
By a mercy will I fall
And be granted lenitive freedom
Will this imagined, glass-clear curse be lifted
For how long;
Until when;
Why now?
Boiled in my skin, near splitting.
Yielding to the sharp edge,
Wilting on the hot oil
Seasoned with promise —
The vines of yesterday no longer around my
Arms and neck.

I am
The wanton meal upon your table
Spread me thin,
Poach me.
Or slice me open and
Set me afire.

Friday, March 13, 2015


Matthew 7:20
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Tempered heartbeat
Wrong side of the road
Upon a narrow ledge
Favonius has since claimed me

All my bills on black
I don’t care if I lose
Russian roulette; run amok
No longer afraid

Will I last?
Hold me under and see
A play; con; hook.
A Kansas City Shuffle.

Mockery mask
I am the fool no more.
Lessons not easily learned
This is how I still breathe


Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Tower

The cunning and the forceful will win me both equally
It is the cocksure, the arrogant, and the false certainty of this that I cannot stand
It burns now, The Tower.
Perhaps we built it knowing we could never really live there.
I am changing, I am willing. I am Proteus.
But you have no surety of who you are at all
I didn’t create you or push you out, in this place
Nor did I posses any trace of leverage to assume you a changed state
And yet you hung it all on me as if I were there, only to take it
A prisoner in our Tower.
There is another now, and — like the pomegranate; broken —
I can finally see all the stars